We are DNSimple Registrar, your trusted partner to make registrar interactions simple.

Founded in 2020 as a subsidiary of DNSimple Corporation. Our mission at DNSimple Registrar is to give resellers simple tools, APIs with clear documentation, and competitive pricing.

WHOIS Search

Find information about your domain registered with DNSimple Registrar.


This policy describes our practices for collecting, protecting, and disclosing the personal data we may collect and store on your behalf.

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Privacy California

This policy describes our practices for collecting, protecting, and disclosing the personal data as it pertains to the state of California.

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Abuse Reports

DNSimple Registrar is committed to the advancement of the Internet by investigating complaints of abuse and illegal activity.

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Domain Registration Agreement

This Agreement outlines your obligations, associated fees, and terms of use when registering a domain.

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Registrants' Benefits and Responsibilities

This policy describes our practices for collecting, protecting, and disclosing the personal data we may collect and store on your behalf.

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ICANN Registrant Rights

This document provides a summary of terms related to Registrant Rights and Responsibilities as set out in the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA).

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ICANN Registrant Education

This link provides a summary of invaluable information for domain registrants, specifically regarding domain basics, transfers, and renewals.

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